segunda-feira, 10 de outubro de 2016

Mais um!

Ontem o Alabama Media Group, que controla vários canais de comunicação social no estado do Alabama, decidiu apoiar a candidata Hillary Clinton no seu editorial. Ainda temos quase quatro semanas até às eleições e, lentamente, as preferências partidárias dão lugar aos interesses do país. Apesar de tudo, uma governação Clinton é bastante previsível e superável; já uma governação Trump é território desconhecido. Não vale a pena arriscar: os interesses da nação sobrepõem-se aos do partido.

"But 2016 isn't a normal election cycle, and Donald Trump isn't a normal presidential candidate. Nor is he a normal Republican. He is a man who is frighteningly unfit to be president. And she is his only roadblock.

Any endorsement of Clinton will be a bitter pill to swallow for many in our state. For some, her lifelong record of public service is the mark of a career politician, rather than a public servant. We've all watched her struggle to defend her emails, her charitable foundation and her record on foreign policy. Still, Hillary Clinton is more than qualified to be president, and in winning her party's nomination has reinforced the promise that our democratic process is equally open to all.

We've watched Clinton weather every challenge — public and personal — that's faced her over the last 30 years and, unlike Donald Trump's late night Twitter meltdowns, Clinton has consistently remained presidential in her response and demeanor. In truth, her presidency is fairly easy to predict. Through her time as first lady in Arkansas, first lady in the White House, as a U.S. senator, as secretary of state and two campaigns for the presidency, two trends have emerged: Clinton genuinely cares about children and families, but she is also an opportunist.

Like her husband, President Bill Clinton, she has built a political career out of triangulating to the center. She's less liberal than President Barack Obama and less conservative than President George W. Bush — and after 16 years of volatility, she is likely to maintain the slow growth of the status quo.

We could do worse than four years of a stable hand that understands how government works and is willing to compromise with the Republican opposition. Donald Trump, in contrast, is an unstable force that would do lasting damage to America, at home and abroad."


1 comentário:

  1. Obviamente.
    Tardaram mas começaram a entender que terão de redesenhar algumas instituições com o objectivo de integrar alguns conflitos, área de que se esqueceram a partir dos anos 90. E, claro, estão com medo...


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