Last night, for some odd reason, I was extremely tired at 9:30 PM, so nearly asleep as I wrote my last post -- not that that is a first, being nearly asleep, that is, but the early hour was puzzling. One might call my day productive, but mostly I just thought about things, especially the state of our current affairs.
I have often described Donald Trump as President as an accelerator of change. It is clear that many of the things that have happened had been brewing for quite some time, but he just created the conditions for them to fully ripen, such as the Me Too and the Black Lives Matter movements.
People will tolerate many things if they feel that we are making progress, but if things start to look like they are moving back, Americans will rebel. The whole concept of being American revolves around the notion that each of us have a chance at helping build a better country. Movies, books, education, art, everything is geared toward the idea that one person can make a difference.
Trump being the one person that could make a difference is how he managed to get such a great following, but his goal is to take America back to a period of greatness and that is where the ideology starts to fall apart. The best of American is not in the past; it has to be in the future because that is when a perfect union can be attained. As such, Trump and his ideology will eventually be defeated.
At this point it does not seem like he can govern another term. Now that the federal stimulus has ended, and companies are beginning to lay off, people will not be as understanding. The GOP has lost control of the message, there is actually no message. It used to be that they stood for smaller government, but with the costs of the trade war and the pandemic, not only does the government have a bigger weight on the economy, but the tax cuts that were passed were not enough to pay for themselves, so public debt is increasing very quickly. All that is left is a social ideology that is at odds with the country.
The Trump presidency is also quite problematic for the GOP. Trump never finished hiring all the usual staff for the administration and many of the ones that he did hire were not from the party, but from his pool of personal friends. This means that if Biden wins, it will be at least four more years until the GOP can staff an administration, but if Trump wins, it will be at least eight more years or even 12. This means that Republicans will not have anyone who knows how to run government and the outcome is worse with Trump than with Biden. The last normal government that the GOP had was George W. Bush from 2001 until 2008.
If Trump loses, the GOP has a chance of presenting a normal candidate in four years and winning the Presidency, especially since Biden is very old. If Trump wins, the likely outcome will be an impeachment, but Trump will not go quietly, plus Pence would have to govern with a Democratic VP. It would be a rather weak position for the GOP and they'd likely lose the next Presidential election four years from now.
Ponto de vista muito interessante. Cada vez mais fã dos teus thoughts from over the Atlantic.
O que se vê por aqui é que na verdade é incrível a lealdade que os Republicanos (ainda) demonstram para com Trump.
Será que consideram de facto essa maior probabilidade numa vitória pós Biden vs extrema fragilidade pós segundo termo de Trump? Ou ainda assim preferem arriscar Trump de novo and que sera sera?
Plus, têm aquela coisa da reestruturação dos distritos (something quite strange, BTW, visto por aqui) e a possibilidade de acabar com o colégio eleitoral.. (also, WTF como podem?... Although,come to think of it.... Por aqui o Ventura também quer acabar com princípios basilares do estado de direito democrático...)
Obrigada. Desde o impeachment que os Republicanos deixaram de defender Trump, mas o mais benéfico para o partido é verem-se livres dele numa eleição, assim a culpa é do povo e não do partido. O GOP com Biden na Presidência fica mais forte. O Colégio Eleitoral não vai terminar. Seria uma coisa que iria fragmentar muito o país. O redistricting vai ser consequência do censo da população, mas o censo está atrasado por causa da pandemia.
EliminarO Ventura aí tem força porque há muita gente de direita que quer ganhar custe o que custar e acha que o Ventura é uma boa aposta. É claro que quanto mais apoio o Ventura tiver, mais o pessoal de Esquerda se agarra ao que tem e quem ganha é o PS. Portugal tornou-se numa democracia disfuncional em que só um partido consegue governar. Não é uma ditadura, mas é um animal próximo, especialmente porque o partido que governa é muito corrupto.
A minha opinião pessoal é que depois da Revolução de 1974, a ideia do legislador em Portugal era tornar tudo público para que os prevaricadores tivessem vergonha e isso funcionasse como um dissuasor à corrupção e troca de favores. Só que ninguém liga a essas coisas, nem exige melhor comportamento. Como a justiça e a comunicação social também não funcionam, o país está bastante degradado. Aguardemos a próxima revolução...
Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.