segunda-feira, 17 de outubro de 2011


A propósito do Abstract postado pelo Luís, lembrei-me deste parágrafo da carta do editor, David H. Autor, publicada no Journal of Economic Perspectives (JEP), Vol. 25, No. 3, Summer 2011, dirigida a Bruno S. Frey:

There is very substantial overlap between these articles and your JEP publication. Indeed, to my eye, they are substantively identical. Based on discussions with the editors of these journals, we have confirmed that the JEBO article was in press and the R&S article under review while your article was under revision for JEP. At the time we accepted your paper for JEP, we could not readily have learned of these two overlapping articles since they were at the time unpublished. Further obscuring the links among these articles is the fact that none of your four articles cites any of the other three. Had you chosen to inform us of the JEBO and R&S articles prior to the publication of your JEP article, we would of course have no grounds for complaint. In that case, however, we would not have published your article.

2 comentários:

  1. O caso do Bruno Frey é o mais publicamente discutido. O pior mesmo é já haver economistas portugueses na escassa lista de marcação por plágios!

  2. Os portugueses são seres humanos como os outros. Apenas espero que não estejamos "sobre-representados" na tal lista.


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