quinta-feira, 12 de novembro de 2020

Version 2.192

Rodin's The Eternal Idol is one of my favorite sculptures and I was lucky enough to see it a year ago, while visiting Boston. It's at Harvard Museums; there is also one at the Rodin Museum in Paris, but I've never been to Paris, even though my plan was to visit it last June. Yesterday, Instagram reminded me of a photo I took of the sculpture, which I shared in my stories. I got a reply from a Portuguese friend, a lady who is 82. She admonished me with "Que mal me pareceu, menina!" to which I asked her why, since it's a Rodin, after all--but it is a Rodin of a naked man kneeling, while resting his head on the torso of a naked woman.

My friend was joking, she said. Then we started talking about art. She is concerned that this winter will be her last, she speaks as if she will not visit any other country or do anything of interest to her. I tried to cheer her up, but I feel for all those people who are alone and do not have anyone to cheer them up. I hope that, at least, they have a pet. Sometimes pets work better than humans.

2 comentários:

  1. Oohh rodin tb me traz boas memórias dos tempos, no meu caso, pré-filhos, qd tinha t€mpo para viajar.

    A tua amiga de 82 com um espírito de bom sentido de humor certamente tem skills para preencher o ânimo. A minha avó durante 15 anos até quase aos 100 também dizia isso sempre que nos víamos ou falávamos.

    82 é uma idade perfeitamente activa para estas pessoas "boas da cabeça" como se diz por cá 😊.

    1. Sinto que a minha cabeça já não é o que era. Tenho medo dos 80, mas duvido que lá chegue...


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