terça-feira, 29 de setembro de 2020

Version 2.148

 I cannot fathom why anyone thinks that preventing domestic violence has to be done in the Civics class curriculum. It reminds me of how Texas decided to fight teen pregnancy via teaching sexual abstinence in schools. They ended up with one of the largest teen pregnancy rates in the country. Did anyone do any study showing that talking about domestic violence in school prevents it from happening?

Then there are the side effects for the children that come from families in which there is domestic violence. What is expected of them and how should they feel? It almost seems cruel that these kids have to live in problematic households and then they go to school, a space that should be a safe haven for kids, and they get to hear how unfit their parents are, as if they did not know that already.

Will the classmates who know that that child's parents hurt each other ridicule and humiliate them? And what if the child acts on what she learned at school and tries to intervene at home, how well is that going to go? Is there a chance that the child might put herself at risk?   

But there are other aspects to consider, like sexual preferences. Will the curriculum teach how to do sadomasochism in a safe manner? Or will it ignore it entirely? What a can of worms...

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